Presidential ratings: G. Nausėda leads confidently, his closest rivals remain I. Vėgėlė and I. Šimonytė

If the presidential elections were held next Sunday, the incumbent Gitanas Nausėda would have the highest support of the Lithuanian population, according to the latest public opinion poll conducted by Spinter Tyrimai on behalf of Delfi.

I. Šimonytė, I. Vėgėlė, G. Nausėda.<br> koliažas.
I. Šimonytė, I. Vėgėlė, G. Nausėda.<br> koliažas.
Daugiau nuotraukų (1)

Feb 15, 2024, 10:13 AM, atnaujinta Feb 15, 2024, 10:14 AM

In January, 23.5% of respondents would have voted for G. Nausėda, seeking a second term in the Daukantas Square Palace. According to the poll, the current Head of State is equally popular among all social and demographic groups. In December, his support stood at 25.8%.

G. Nausėda's closest rivals remain I. Vėgėlė and I. Šimonytė

The rating of Ignas Vėgėlė, a lawyer who will run in the presidential elections, remained almost unchanged. In December, 12.8% of respondents said they would vote for him in the elections, and in January – 12.4%.

According to the poll, the lawyer, who rose to prominence during the pandemic, has the highest number of sympathisers among people with lower and middle education, lower and middle incomes, district centres and rural areas.

10.4% of respondents were ready to vote for Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, who is in third place in the rating table and only within the margin of error of I. Vėgėlė. And 10.8% were ready to vote for her in the election of the country's Head of State in December and January – 10.8%.

Respondents with higher education and income said they would most likely support the Prime Minister representing the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) in the elections.

In fourth place – V. Blinkevičiūtė, who will not take part in the elections and expressed support for G. Nausėda

Next in the ranking table is Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, the leader of the opposition Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) and MEP, who has decided not to run in the presidential elections. According to the poll, 8.6% of Lithuanians would support her (6.6% in December).

In January, 4.1% of respondents would also have given their vote to the former President of the Constitutional Court (KT), the candidate of the Freedom Party, Dainius Žalimas. In December, 3.8% of respondents would have supported him.

Remigijus Žemaitaitis, who announced his decision to run this month, is not far behind D. Žalimas, for whom 3.3% of the country's population would have voted in January (compared to 2% in December).

In addition, in January, 2.8% of the country's population said they would have voted for Aurelijus Veryga, the candidate of the opposition Lithuanian Peasants' and Greens' Party (LVŽS). In December, 3.5% would have supported him.

The other candidates received less than 2% of the sympathetic vote each

According to the survey, 12.2% of respondents would have chosen a different candidate in January than the previous ones. However, other well-known candidates for the post of the country's leader received less than 2% of the votes of the Lithuanian population each.

According to the poll, 15.7% of the population had yet to decide which candidate they would vote for, while 6.7% said they did not intend to vote.

On 19–26 January 2024, the public opinion and market research company Spinter Tyrimai, commissioned by the news portal Delfi, conducted a public opinion poll. The survey was carried out among the population aged between 18 and 75 years. A combined telephone and online survey method was used. One thousand eight respondents were interviewed. The distribution of participants by gender, age and place of residence is proportional to the distribution of the population in Lithuania.

The survey results have a margin of error of 3.1%.

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