A wealth of Lithuanian presidential candidates revealed that Vėgėlė and Žemaitaitis are clear leaders

On Friday, the Central Election Commission (VRK) published data on the candidates running for the presidency. The information on the declared income and assets of the candidates shows that lawyer Ignas Vėgėlė is the richest. One of the leaders of the presidential rankings has declared assets of more than EUR 1.5 million.

Atskleidė kandidatų į Lietuvos prezidentus turtus: I. Vėgėlė ir R. Žemaitaitis<br>Lrytas.lt koliažas
Atskleidė kandidatų į Lietuvos prezidentus turtus: I. Vėgėlė ir R. Žemaitaitis<br>Lrytas.lt koliažas
Daugiau nuotraukų (1)


Apr 12, 2024, 12:45 PM, atnaujinta Apr 12, 2024, 12:48 PM

In addition, Vėgėlė has granted loans worth more than EUR 1.3 million, has more than EUR 250,000 in cash, and has acquired more than EUR 22,000 worth of securities, works of art or jewellery.

The second most potent candidate is Remigijus Žemaitaitis, a Member of the Seimas accused of anti-Semitic statements. He claims to have over 379,000 assets that must be registered. He also indicated that he has EUR 257,000 in cash. Žemaitaitis also holds securities, works of art or jewellery worth more than €206,000 and has received more than €166,000 in loans.

The third-largest number of asset declarations is that of Gitanas Nausėda, who is seeking a second term as the country's leader. His declared assets amount to 359 thousand euros. The President also declares that he has received over €27,000 in loans and that his current cash holdings amount to €20,000.

Meanwhile, the candidate Eduardas Vaitkus has declared that he owns assets worth over EUR 330 000, has acquired securities, works of art and jewellery worth EUR 53 000, and has EUR 48 000 in cash.

The fifth most declared asset was Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, who declared assets worth €316,000, loans worth more than €46,000 and €13,000.

Andrius Mazuronis, Chairman of the Labour Party, has slightly more modest registered assets, declaring €230,000. He has also received more than €30,000 in loans and has €19,000 in cash.

Next in line is Giedrimas Jeglinskas, the candidate nominated by the Democratic Union In the Name of Lithuania ( Vardan Lietuvos) , who has compulsorily registered assets of €125,000, has more than €205,000 in cash, and has about €65,000 in loans.

The last candidate in terms of compulsory declaration of assets is the candidate of the Libertarians, Dainius Žalimas, a former judge of the Constitutional Court. He has a compulsorily registered asset value of EUR 31,000, loans of EUR 103,000 and cash of EUR 9,993.

Data on party memberships provided: Nausėda stated that he belonged to the Communists

In their updated VRK questionnaires, the presidential candidates also provided data on their current and former political organisation memberships.

Gitanas Nausėda, who is running for a second term as the country's leader, indicated his previously concealed membership of the Communist Party.

The fact that President Nausėda once belonged to the Communist Party came to light last spring. The fact that he had concealed this biographical fact was admitted by the Head of State himself. He said that joining the Communist Party was a mistake of his youth.

According to a questionnaire published on Friday, Ignas Vėgėlė, a lawyer who stood for election, used to belong to the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Democrats of Lithuania, while Eduardas Vaitkus used to belong to the Labour Party and the National Union.

Although Dainius Žalimas, former President of the Constitutional Court (KT), is running for the presidency of the Freedom Party, he was previously a member of the Conservative Party.

Remigijus Žemaitaitis, the founder of Nemunas Dawn (Nemuno Aušra), was previously a member of Order and Justice and Freedom and Justice (Tvarka ir Teisingumas and Laisvė ir Teisingumas

Of the candidates for the post of Head of State, only Giedrimas Jeglinskas, a candidate of the Democratic Union in the Name of Lithuania (Vardan Lietuvos), was not a member of any political organisation.

The VRK publishes all candidates' election programmes together with the candidates' data. By the Electoral Code, the VRK's website will indefinitely publish the candidates' programmes and other information about the candidates.

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